Professional Math Resources

All teachers have extensive math backgrounds and have participated in numerous math competitions and placed nationally. We are a top team in the Greater Toronto Area and even Canada. We focus on developing students’ logical analysis and critical thinking and will bring kids to all top North American Individuals and team math competitions. Our well-connected team can lead everyone to the magic math world!

Meet Our Team

Exceptional Education System

For junior high and high school students, we use the American Art of Problem Solving books which are the most popular among competition math books. For younger students, we will use the Beast Academy books. With class study and with practice, students will have strong foundation for further math study.

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Small Classes &
Special 2+1 Style

An entry test for all competition math students helps us to understand students’ level and to assign them to the right class. Each class has less than 10 students, allowing teachers to know each of them. Each 2 hour class is followed by one hour of free support, when teacher are available for all students with questions. Our goal is to give students thorough understanding of the knowledge, and leave no question unanswered.

Our Curriculum

Continuous Feedback

We provide an online forum for students to ask questions and discuss math. Teachers will be online regularly to supervise and answer questions. Detailed solutions of homework will be posted on the forum for student reference.

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